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100 Loans In A Year: Andrew Heffner's Rise to Success as a New Loan Originator

Published: July 29, 2024

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100 Loans In A Year: Andrew Heffner's Rise to Success as a New Loan Originator

For many, finding high-level success as a loan officer in the modern age requires plenty of legwork to build strong real estate agent partnerships and a base of past clients to generate a steady pipeline of leads.

Few who are fresh to the industry know more about the necessity of a strong foundation than Andrew Heffner, a Loan Originator for UMortgage Springfield. Having just wrapped his first year as a full-time Loan Originator, Andrew just closed his 100th deal—a testament to the success one can find when combining a consistent work ethic, willingness to be coached, desire to go above and beyond for everyone they interact with, and the right resources that helps them maximize their time and skills.

To understand the specifics behind Andrew’s quick rise to success in this industry, we sat down with him to gain deeper insight into the cornerstones of his early success in this industry.

UM: What were your primary focuses during the early stages of your time as a Loan Originator that helped lay the foundation for your business’ rapid growth?

AH: So one of the main things that was big for me was attending as many open houses as possible. During my first few months working with Andrew [Chavez], I would drive hundreds of miles almost daily to attend open houses throughout Missouri.

Open houses are easy. First of all, the face-to-face interaction allows you to make a positive first impression with the agent who’s hosting. If it’s busy, I’m helping them with the prospective buyers who are visiting and showing that I’m here to support the agent from day one. And if it’s slower, it’s a perfect opportunity to get to know a little more about the agent, find connections, and get to know them on a personal level. That personal connection is so crucial to become their go-to lending partner.

Beyond open houses, though, what really helped me gain my footing in this industry was the coaching opportunities that I opened myself up to. At UMortgage Springfield, I’m lucky to be able to work under some of the industry’s best who coached me up on different loan guidelines, our products & the scenarios that work best for each, and the real nitty gritty aspect of being an LO. If you are confident and know your stuff when meeting a prospective Realtor partner, they’re going to believe in your ability to support them even through the toughest buyers and send you more of their referrals.

UM: What resources or strategies have you found most valuable in learning the intricacies of the mortgage industry as a newcomer?

AH: One of the most valuable resources for me has been the incredible leadership and culture that we have at UMortgage and specifically in [UMortgage] Springfield. If you don’t know something, ask. There are so many incredible people in this industry who have found success, sustained a high level of success, and have continued to grow over countless years. Like with any new skill or career path, leaning on experienced professionals for advice is one of the best ways to replicate their success.

I’m lucky to be a part of this great culture at UMortgage. Even the big dogs like Patton Gade and Tyler Hodgson are always willing to make time for you and share their expertise. But development is reciprocal. You can have a great network of highly skilled mortgage professionals, but one of the most important things for me was having a willingness to be coached. Understanding your shortcomings, knowing the areas where you might not be most comfortable, and leaning on the experts around you to fill the gaps is crucial when you’re getting started.

UM: How did you overcome any of the early challenges you faced as you established yourself as your community’s trusted mortgage advisor?

AH: One of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever received is that you can either suck now or suck later. I was new, and still am new, to a lot of these processes. I might not be good the first time, but every subsequent attempt is going to be a little bit better.

What really helped me develop that mentality to try and try again is that I truly understood my “why” as I tried and continue to try to make my name in this industry. You need that outside factor that motivates you every day to visit 200+ open houses in a year, work 18 hours a day, and make all the necessary sacrifices. I know what I want for my family, and that has helped me overcome any challenge I face.

The “why” extends beyond just what I want for myself though. In this job, so many people rely on you. I’m lucky to work with my two incredible Ops team members, Melly Sanchez and Marcia Lanoie. One of the big obstacles I faced as my production started to ramp up was the feeling of being overwhelmed. Building the relationship and trust with those two has not only helped me be able to scale my business, but it has also been a big motivating factor. They work countless hours to help me serve my clients, and when they show up and go above and beyond 24/7, it drives me to continue to grow and get better every day.

UM: How much does your “why” in this industry stretch to the gratification you feel when you help create those life-changing opportunities through homeownership for the homebuyers you serve?

AH: It’s absolutely huge, and arguably the biggest motivator. My family and my Ops team members rely on me to put dinner on the table, but so many of the clients I serve rely on my knowledge of the housing market and understanding of their individual circumstances that have led to them wanting to buy a home.

I had the privilege of helping a young woman who works an hourly job buy her first home; we closed last week and she cried as we were signing her final paperwork. I’ve been working with her since December 2023. I connected her with a credit consultant, got her credit up, and helped her qualify for a down payment assistance program.

She was previously in a position where she never thought she would buy a house. Knowing her background, her owning this house is something that will be invaluable to her for the rest of her life. They’ll have Christmas and Thanksgiving in this house. They won’t have to worry about a landlord kicking them out, raising the rent, or selling the house.

On the flip side, you have to understand that the buyers you work with are putting an incredible amount of trust in your expertise. It’s a huge responsibility from a cost perspective. You don’t want to push somebody into something that they shouldn’t do or can’t afford, so you must understand their goals, get to know them on a personal level to figure out their “why”, and be that source of knowledge for them every step of the way. Being a part of their journey is a huge privilege and focusing on the relationship aspect of the homebuying journey is essential.

UM: Has digital marketing played a part in your business strategy? If so, what marketing efforts have you found to be most effective in reaching potential clients, and how did you implement them?

AH: Social media is a great tool to reach people you never would’ve been able to reach face-to-face. The woman I alluded to just now was someone I connected with on Facebook. I’ve joined a lot of different groups that have helped me grow my network and grow my local community.

If I can meet someone who is looking through a group of individuals looking to rent a home and connect them with a Realtor partner I’ve been working with, that’s a great way to strengthen those agent connections and grow my network in that way. Social media is a great connector in that sense.

UM: On the flip side, what have been the direct benefits of face-to-face marketing to your business’ growth?

AH: Face-to-face marketing is a lot more welcoming and feels a lot easier. If you go into an open house with warm energy, go in with confidence, these agents will automatically feel trust towards you.

In person, you can ask a lot more in-depth questions and get to know them on a personal level. So, when I go to an open house and I have the time to communicate with the agents who are there, I’ll really open the floor for them to start sharing the personal pieces that make them unique.

Do they like to work out? I had a partner who I was trying to connect with and I started popping into his CrossFit gym, and after a couple of sessions, the guy was like, “Hey, I recognize you from my open house. We should do something together.”

If you can find those connectors, then they might start popping up into your life without even realizing it. You naturally find your community and those in the industry who you want to work with and who want to work with you. [Connecting with agents and buyers face-to-face] isn’t salesy and really allows the interaction to be more personable. Once you’re there, it makes the follow-up a lot easier. You can find out what they don’t like about the lenders that they might work with otherwise and do the opposite. Building those personal connections really just opens a bunch of doors for those working relationships.

UM: Are there any specific tools or pieces of technology that have helped you streamline your processes and increase productivity?

AH: Going from a call center, UMortgage’s tech is 10x better than what I used before. Having my origination system available on my phone has been a game changer. I can be at the lake or running errands and, if I get a phone call, I can get someone pre-approved or take their application.

I worked an open house earlier this year and the way our technology has streamlined our processes won me a deal on the spot. I told the borrower about the process and their options and, because my application is fully digital, I was able to get their application completed on the spot and have them approved the next morning.

If you get someone on the phone or meet them in person, you have to act fast or risk losing the lead. With the fully digital origination software we use, I can get them information, an application link, pre-approval, file updates, and everything that I need to properly do my job in a snap. Not only does it offer buyers a great modern experience, but it also shows prospective agents that by working with you, they can really streamline their processes and grow their businesses too.


With expert coaching, a culture of support, and an innovative tech stack, the UMortgage platform provides new and driven Loan Originators with the foundation they need to find quick success in the mortgage industry. If Andrew’s story resonates with you, feel free to download our Experience the Difference packet to learn more about the ways that UMortgage can help you make your name in the mortgage industry.


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